e mail messages




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1·Many people sent me e-mail messages asking how to generate PDF files from the sample program.
许多人发给我电子邮件消息询问如何从样本程序中生成 PDF 文件。
2·The examples -- a simple calculator and a program to parse e-mail messages -- are simple enough.
这两个例子 —— 一个简单的计算器和一个解析电子邮件消息的程序,都很简单。
3·This is especially difficult in e-mail messages, which can be easily misinterpreted.
4·To highlight the fact that JET doesn't need to be used only to generate code, the following example is a template that generates e-mail messages of varying moods.
为强调 JET 不仅仅可用来生成代码,我们给出了下面这个实例,这是一个模板,生成具有不同语气的电子邮件消息。
5·They then simply use some mail client to download their e-mail messages.
6·Real applications can invoke Web services, access other applications via RMI/IIOP or resource adapters, generate e-mail messages, and so on.
真正的应用程序能够调用 Web 服务,通过 RMI/IIOP 或资源适配器访问其他应用程序,并生成电子邮件消息等。
7·One likely task is reading a file containing E-mail messages and extracting their headers and contents.
8·To use the capability effectively for monitoring system status, E-mail messages, and any other desired parameter, we need to preserve this variability while providing a simple interface for its usage.
9·In this article, you will be sending two types of E-mail messages.
10·She sued the company for wrongful termination and obtained a settlement, but was later jailed over allegations that she doctored E-mail messages she had used to bolster her claims.
更新时间:2025-03-10 18:50